15 April 2024

Augmenting How We Work with AI

Fundamental to how we build our agents is our belief in how to best leverage AI - that it is best used to augment how we work, not to do our work for us.
Augmenting How We Work with AI
15 April 2024
Reading Time
8 mins

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a cornerstone of modern innovation, yet its role in the workplace is often misunderstood. At Superficial, we advocate for AI that assists and enhances human work rather than replacing it. This philosophy is integral to how we design and build our AI agents.

Supporting, Not Replacing

AI has the potential to revolutionise our work processes, but it's crucial to use it appropriately. The distinction between AI helping us and AI replacing us is vital. When AI supports us, it enhances our abilities, provides support, and boosts efficiency. In contrast, when AI replaces us, we lose the invaluable human oversight and creativity.

Figure 1: The Pitfall of Full Automation

Figure 1 shows a traditional approach where a single Large Language Model (LLM) is expected to perform tasks independently. This often results in over-reliance on AI, increasing the risk of errors and reducing human involvement.

Figure 2: The Superficial Approach

In Figure 2, Superficial's methodology is depicted. By employing multiple LLMs and a Custom Agent, we create a system where AI supports the human worker. Each LLM brings unique strengths, and the Custom Agent integrates these capabilities to offer tailored assistance to the user.

Custom-Built Agents for Individual Roles

At Superficial, our agents are not generic tools but are custom-built for individuals and their specific roles. They are designed to be jacks of all trades and masters of one – yours. This means that while they can assist with various tasks, their primary function is to support and enhance your specific responsibilities.

Our agents improve the quality of your work by:

  • Providing accurate, cross-verified information from multiple sources.
  • Offering suggestions and insights tailored to your industry and role.
  • Enhancing productivity by automating repetitive tasks while keeping you in control of the final output.

Addressing AI Misconceptions

Many criticisms of AI, such as it waffling or hallucinating, stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of its role. People often misuse AI, expecting it to replace human effort entirely. This leads to dissatisfaction and perceived shortcomings. At Superficial, we emphasise that AI should assist you in your work, not do the work for you. By using AI as a supportive tool, we can mitigate these issues and enhance its effectiveness.

When used correctly, AI serves as a powerful assistant that augments human capabilities. It can process large amounts of data swiftly, provide insights that might not be immediately apparent to humans, and automate repetitive tasks that can bog down productivity. However, the final decision-making and creative thinking remain with the human user. This partnership ensures that the unique strengths of both AI and humans are utilised to their fullest potential.

Validating Our Approach

Research from Harvard Business School supports our approach, showing that AI can improve worker efficiency by 25.1%, productivity by 12.2%, and work quality by 40%1​. These findings demonstrate that AI, when used to augment rather than replace human effort, significantly enhances performance.

Additionally, a study published in the MIT Sloan Management Review highlights that organisations integrating AI as a collaborative tool see improved decision-making, increased innovation, and higher employee satisfaction. By positioning AI as an assistant, companies can leverage technology to support their workforce, driving better outcomes and maintaining a competitive edge.

Real-World Application

Consider a legal firm partner using a Superficial agent to streamline case research, cross-checking facts across various sources, and providing summaries of relevant case law. This not only saves time but also ensures that the partner has the most accurate and comprehensive information at their fingertips, enabling them to focus on crafting compelling arguments and strategies.

Mitigating AI Misuse

The misunderstanding of AI's role has led to many of the criticisms it faces today. When AI is expected to perform autonomously without human oversight, it can produce errors, often termed as 'hallucinations,' where the AI generates information that is not factually correct. This issue arises because AI, despite its advanced capabilities, lacks the nuanced understanding and contextual awareness that humans possess.

When used as a tool to assist rather than replace, AI can significantly reduce the chances of such errors. By acting as an augmentation to human intelligence, AI systems provide a safety net of suggestions and data analysis that humans can then verify and act upon. This synergy between human intelligence and AI capabilities ensures a higher quality of work and more reliable outcomes.


At Superficial, we are committed to creating AI agents that help rather than replace human effort. By custom-building agents to suit individual roles and responsibilities, we ensure that the work remains ours to deliver, while the agents enhance our capabilities and efficiency. This approach not only preserves the human element in the workplace but also leverages the best of what AI has to offer.

In the evolving landscape of AI, it is crucial to adopt technologies that empower us rather than render us redundant. Superficial's philosophy of AI augmentation aligns with this vision, promising a future where AI acts as a trusted ally in our professional journey.

By understanding and adopting this approach, organisations can harness the full potential of AI, driving innovation and maintaining a human-centric workplace.


Augmenting How We Work with AI

Fundamental to how we build our agents is our belief in how to best leverage AI - that it is best used to augment how we work, not to do our work for us.
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